Past Events

The New Trafalgar Dispatch - Falmouth to London - 2005

(July 01, 2005)

Viscount Admiral Lord Nelson died at the height of the battle of Trafalgar and it fell to his second in command, Vice Admiral Cuthbert Collingwood to write the official account for the Admiralty. Two hundred years later, the New Trafalgar Dispatch celebrates Nelson's memory and all the heroes at the battle, which was a defining moment in British history.

Leaving Falmouth 1st July 2005


Arriving in London 9th September 2005

A replica post chaise carriage was built especially for the event. It is the only carriage of its kind in working order today.


HRH Princess Anne watched as the post chaise and Lt Lapenotiere played by actor Alex Price left Falmouth for their long journery to the Admiralty in London.


The first public apperance of the post chaise at the Royal Windsor Horse show.

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